In Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong Province
Email: minhlt@trustandbacker.com
Before joining the Counsel Board at TRUST & BACKER LAW FIRM, Dr. Minh has worked for many years at the credit institutions, the securities companies in Vietnam, and became a lecturer on intellectual property, securities law, law of credit institutions, civil relations, etc. Dr. Minh also has many scientific publications and is the author/co-author of many articles published in specialized journals. Dr. Minh is well-known as a speaker in many domestic and foreign scientific forums and seminars. With practical experience and in-depth research in the intellectual property, Dr. Minh has given many useful and valuable advice and solutions for transactions that TRUST Law Firm & BACKER has provided to Customers. Dr. Le Thi Minh is also a member who always gives opinions and suggestions for draft laws, decrees and circulars to improve the legal system.
- Minh LE THI (2022), Legal Framework Governing NFT in Vietnam, in 5th International European Conference on Interdisclipnary Scientific Research (January 28-29, 2022, Valencia Spain). Editors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jose R. Hernandez-Carrion Dr. Mehmet Emin Kalgı. IKSAD Publishing House, 2022, Pp. 563-569. ISBN: 978-625-7464-71-0.
- Minh LE THI, Hau VO TRUNG (2022), Assessment of Performance in Vietnam for Requirements on Protecting of Scent and Sound Trademarks under the CPTPP Agreement, in 5 th International Conference International Relations (January 17-18, 2022, Manhattan, New York, USA). Editor-in-chief Dr. Zarifa NAZIRLI. IKSAD Publications, 24.01.2022, Pp.71-81. ISBN: 978-625-7464-69-7.
- Minh LE THI, Hau VO TRUNG (2022), Legal Framework for Issuing, Trading Virtual Currency, and Preventing Virtual Currency Crime in Vietnam, in 5 th International Conference of Contemporary Sciences (January 14-16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan). Editor-in-chief Dr. Minh, LE THI. IKSAD GLOBAL Publishing House, 30.01.2022, Pp.153-159. ISBN: 978-625-8423-91-4.
- Le Thi Minh (2021), Law on resolution of domain names and trademarks disputes, in ECONOMY. SOCIOLOGY. LAW: Proceedings of the V International Scientific-Practical Conference (November 17, 2021, Astrakhan (Russia). Editor-in-chief Zaraisky A.A. Publishing House “Academy of Business” (Saratov, Russia), 2021, Pp. 23-45. ISBN 978-5-907385-54-2.
- Le Thi Minh (2021), “Sound trademark protection in EU, Japan and recommendations in Vietnam”, Education and Society Newspaper, March 2021.
- Le Thi Minh (2021), “Solving the conflict between geographical indication protection and trademark protection under the CPTPP”, Education and Society, 07.
English and Vietnamese
- Corporate;
- Intellectual property;
- Capital markets;
- Mergers & Acquisitions;
- Dispute Resolutions.
- Bachelor of Law: City Law University. Ho Chi Minh;
- Master of Economic Law: University of Economics and Law, Ho Chi Minh National University;
- Doctor of Economic Law: University of Economics and Law, Ho Chi Minh National Universit.